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The Effect of Nudges on Video-based Training for Soft Skills

Speaker: Professor Tanja Mitrovic

Professor, Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering, University of Canterbury

Videos are a powerful way to learn soft skills such as communicating, negotiating, and collaborating, where context and the ability to see different perspectives is crucial. The team of Professor Mitrovic has developed an active video watching platform (AVW-Space) to aid engagement with video content by providing means for constructive learning. In this talk, Professor Mitrovic will discuss the features of AVW-Space and describe two spaces developed for presentation skills and for communication in face-to-face meetings.

Lecture 1: About the speaker
About the speaker
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Professor Tanja Mitrovic

Dr Antonija (Tanja) Mitrovic is a full professor at the Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering, the University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. She is the leader of ICTG (Intelligent Computer Tutoring Group). Dr Mitrovic received her PhD in Computer Science from the University of Nis, Yugoslavia, in 1994. She is an associate editor of the following journals: Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning (RPTEL), International Journal on Artificial Intelligence in Education (IJAIED) and Journal of Universal Computer Science (JUCS). She is a Fellow of the Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education (APSCE), Distinguished member of ACM, and senior member of AAAI and IEEE. She was awarded the Distinguished Researcher Award in 2011 by APSCE.


Dr Mitrovic’s primary research interests are in student modeling. ICTG has developed a number of constraint-based intelligent tutoring systems in a variety of domains, which have been thoroughly evaluated in real classrooms, and proven to be highly effective. Her recent research focuses on AI-based support for active learning from videos.

Discussion Panel

Professor Philip Yu, Professor, EdUHK

Professor Cecilia Chan, Professor, HKU
Professor Lim Cher Ping, Chair Professor, EdUHK
Dr Song Yanjie, Associate Professor, EdUHK

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